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A member registered Aug 02, 2016

Recent community posts

Yes sir, and thank you for the post. I uploaded it wrong (didn't add it to a zip), and I opted not to use an installer (it's seven megabytes).  So, when it creates the two files that keep track of in-game info it probably sends up red flags with your pirate flavored anti- virus.  Thank you for trying to play the game! And for the funny news.

Enjoy the jam!

(1 edit)

A kind user has mentioned that Windows is convinced my software is malicious on some, if not all, of your PCs. I believe this is because I uploaded an executable file, and Windows dislikes downloading those directly. This was an awfully rudimentary mistake on my part.

I saw that my game baked down to be only seven megabytes and was elated at the small footprint. I uploaded it without considering what that would look like to the modern operating system. 

I should have wrapped it in a zip first (even though it doesn't really need it for size reasons). 

If you find a way to try my game, I laud you. Brave soul.

To the rest of you, I hope you enjoy the Jam! I will reupload after it is over and I am able.

Thank you, -Tobwa

Thank you for taking the time to at least try, and for bringing this to my attention. I truly appreciate it.

I will have to reupload when the Jam is over and I am able to.

(1 edit)

Probably because it's a straight up executable.  It doesn't like it when you download those.  Drat, I should have wrapped it in a Zip. You can tell windows to let you download it anyway If you ask for more detail or some such on the denial screen (lower left corner in small text I think?),  then the option will appear to download.  this is a silly mistake on my part.